Style, Success, and SM
Four amazing women share their inspiring stories, and why great partnerships will never go out of style.

Television anchor and host Lexi Schulze recalls that as a child, her Mom, Cecilia Revilla-Schulze, would take her to get shoes and clothes from an already crowded SM.
Little did she know that when she was about to do a newscast for RPN 9 in 2007, she would begin wearing SM clothes for her television appearances. “My Tita Tina Revilla was so generous to introduce me to her SM family,” she says. “I couldn’t ask for more.”
Since that time, Lexi has greeted viewers at the start of the day in Mornings @ ANC, explored the Cityscape, and today keeps viewers on trend with @ANCAlerts and Shop Talk wearing SM clothes.
“I enjoy mixing and matching the adorable clothes and accessories I choose from SM’s wide selection with my wardrobe staples,” she says. “What SM does for me is enhance my style statement with hip pieces that I may not have had as ‘must haves’, but are fun to wear nonetheless.”
Her personal style? “Now that I’m in the news, I will never leave my blazer,” she shares with us. “A blazer makes anything look smarter, so from day to night it’s super functional.”
As a working woman, wife to Javier Berenguer-Testa and mother to two beautiful and talented girls budding actress Alba, 12, and adorable Bruna, 7, Lexi is a multi-tasking mom, who is always on the go, That’s why “I have to wear something that is very versatile, especially jeans,” she says. “I have a lot of jeans, probably more jeans than shoes.”
Lexi adds that when she and her family go to SM, it “feels like home. My wardrobe is filled with your clothes. My home is decorated with your knickknacks. My fridge is stocked with your groceries. My husband is a fan of Ace Hardware. The list goes on. Umm . . . you’ve got it all for me!”

“The one thing I want to say to SM is thank you. Thank you for taking a chance on me, thank you for being very loyal, for being a good friend, and for being there for me and my family as well. When I enter your doors, I know that I will find something that will make my life more comfortable. Thank you so much!”